- Fall Session 2023-2024-began on August 28, 2023. We continuously enroll provided space is available. Call or email to schedule an enrollment tour.
- Summer Session 2024-Enrollment begins January 22, 2024
Students may join a session already in progress if space allows. Enrollment is guaranteed and continuous providing enrollment paperwork for each session is completed on time.
Two weeks’ notice is required to change schedules or discontinue care.
Fort Atkinson Preschool and Childcare is open year-round, Monday through Friday. Our hours are 6:30 am-5:30 pm .
We are closed for the following paid holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and an additional day for staff in servicing between summer and fall sessions to be announced annually. A list of dates Fort Atkinson Preschool and Childcare is closed is distributed at the beginning of each year.
Weekly payment is expected.
Preschool Rates (ages 2 ½-5):
- $41/day with a minimum of 3 days/week
- Annual Enrollment Fee $100
- Summer Activity Fee $40
Wraparound Rates (Care in addition to 4K hours):
- $123 for 3 contracted days/week (choose three Monday-Thursday, No Fridays)
- $164 for 4 contracted days/week (Monday-Thursday, No Fridays)
- $205 for 5 contracted days/week (Monday-Friday)
- Wraparound rates include all the care required between 630 am-530 pm outside of scheduled 4K hours. It also includes care on contracted days when there is no 4K offered but the center is open (spring break, winter break, etc…).
- Annual enrollment fee $100
School Age Care
School Year Care:
- $5/day for Before School Care, 6 am-bus pick up
- $12/day for After School Care, 3:30 PM (or bus drop off time)- 6 pm
- All day virtual learning (available only when Fort Atkinson School District is all virtual) $165/week
- $33.00/day for No School Days- 6 AM-6 PM
- $28.00/day for Early Release Days-Bus Arrival- 6 PM
- Annual Enrollment Fee $100
- Minimum of three AM and/or PM days per week
Summer Care:
- Please see information on summer care and rates here.