by Heidi Yngsdal | Dec 14, 2022
Please sign up to join us for an Open House to find out more information about Fort Atkinson School District 4K, meet our 4K and wraparound care teachers and see our classrooms and building! Each family with a child eligible for 2023-2024 4K who attends will be...
by Heidi Yngsdal | Dec 13, 2022
Due to student relocation we have several spaces available for full or part time three-year-olds. Our five star, deficiency free center rates are $36.50/day which includes care between 6:30 am and 5:30 pm with a three day per week minimum attendance. Choose your...
by Heidi Yngsdal | May 20, 2022
Fort Atkinson Preschool and Childcare is proud to announce it has once again been rated 5 Stars by the Wisconsin YoungStar program! Wisconsin Department of Children and Families states, “YoungStar is a five-star quality rating system for child care providers based on...
by Heidi Yngsdal | May 2, 2022
All of our classes are presently full for summer of 2022. We can add you to a wait list if you would like. We are currently accepting applications for enrollment for fall for our Sprout Classroom (ages 2.5 to 3 by 9/1/2022) and our school district sponsored 4K...
by Heidi Yngsdal | Apr 21, 2022
2021-2022 4K Families- Please join us on June 6, 2022 at the Barrie Park Band Shell for our end of the year 4K Celebration. Children should arrive no later than 5:15 pm. The ceremony will begin at 5:30 pm. The children will give a short performance and we will be...